Meet the Generation One

Everybody has to start at one point and here we are.

We proudly present...

Wutzibot AI agent
Generation One

As the name suggests, this is the first generation of Wutzibot AI agents.



A trait describes e.g. a color, an accessory like hat, clothes, etc... The follwing traits are included in this generation

The body comes in 5 different colors. White and Pink will be the main body colors. Gold and Silver will be very rare ones.

THe headphones come with 11 different color combinations. The golden, green and whites ones on the right side will be very rare ones.

There will be three different motives on the caps. Wutzibot Design white, Aircoins black, and HODL colored. Wutzibot will wear them straight or backwards.

The beanies will come in four different colors. Purple. Grey. Pop Print. Green.

For the glasses we create the standard 3D glasses, also we decided to give him "Like A Boss"-glasses and he comes with very nice VR glasses!

The necklace will come with six different types. The Ledger, the BTC and the ETH ones will be very rare ones.

Six nice hoodies are included in the first generation. The most rare hoodie will be the golden one.

The golden and the silver shirts are very special and rare ones. Wutzibot likes a well known german basketball player, so we decided to create him a Nowutzki shirt. We think he will wear not only once.

Of course, a backpack must not be missing. Wutzibot has to stow his food and drink somewhere when he sets off on his long journey through the Metaverse. This is a special gaming backpack.

In the generation one he will present you twenty different coins. We will start with these nice projects. Maybe you know the one or the other.

Last but not least, the shoes. As you can see there are golden and silver shoes. As you can imagine, they are very rare. The black blue shoes Wutzibot likes a lot and he probably wears it often.

In order to have a good stand, a platform must not be lacking. Here we distinguish between 6 different colours. The silver and gold platforms are particularly rare.